The Tempest team is excited to showcase the work of Olympia artist Becky Knold as our featured artwork on The Tempest poster distributed throughout our community. The artwork featured on our poster is entitled “Atmospheric Storm,” and was created in 2014 by Becky Knold. We are grateful for Knold’s support of our work.
Actor John Serembe (STEPHANO) is also an accomplished visual designer, and incorporated Knold’s artwork into our community-wide branding for this production.
Becky Knold creates abstract, nature-referenced paintings using acrylics and oil paints.The mystical, intangible qualities of atmosphere, water and land inspire and influence her work. Becky has roots in both the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest, along with a background of international experience. She began her art career after retiring in 2006 from a faculty position in International Studies at Saint Martin’s University in Lacey, WA.

At that point, she enrolled in several art classes at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, and continues to pursue workshops, residencies, and self-directed study. Her work, shown regionally, continues to garner notable recognition and awards.